About Rules Entries Results Future

Challenge rules:

- game had to be under 1.0 MB unzipped(the idea was to be original and keep it small - mini game)
- it had to be coded in QBasic(any version)
- controls had to be limited to one key; two player mode was allowed and again, each player was allowed to have only one key available to control his character or whatever kind of object; usage of mouse for game control was not allowed
- usage or libaries was recommended
- usage of graphic made outside QB was optional and recommended (it was allowed to submitt a textual game)
- game had be playable(it had to have a head and a tail, a goal, way to exit it; implemention of menus and options was recommended)
- game had to be runnable without a sound card
- usage of LOW-RES was recommended since FutureLib and UGL VESA detection is very bad and incompatible
- participants had 37 days to submitt their entries in the challenge(deadline was on 28.11.2003.)
- after the submittion period ended, poll was opened and the submitted games were evaluated by forum members in a form of a poll which laster for 12 days; winner was the entrie with highest number of votes