THE LOVELY PRESSURE SITE IS DEFUNCT SO I'M PROVIDING THE TEXT OF THE ORIGINAL REVIEW ************************************************************************************ Well now, when you see the carnage on screen in this game, you'll see what Dark Quest should have been like. Run em Over is a simple game that is only intended to be a "small but addictive game without progressing. " , perhaps in the manner of the classic arcade games, but without the occasional change to a different level, and is somewhat successful. Starting the game treats you to a nice and large image of someone that has just been plastered into the ground by a vehicle, just to give you an idea of what to expect. . . . . . And that would be, dead bodies, all over the ground, all over your car, and, if you're good enough, all over the entire screen I imagine. The graphics are simple, but how they are used is quite effective. Each body becomes a bit of a mush, with the blood squirting out to random spots. If your car is in motion when it is destroyed, it will leave a small trail of debris behind it. Although simple, the sheer volume of the mayhem makes up for it. The sound, is bleeps on the PC speaker. Better than nothing maybe =\. The gameplay is simple enough, what with the driving around the screen running over people. The deviation in this game is that you have to rotate your car to turn it, and then accelerate in the relative direction. A bit like asteroids, but it deccelerates very quickly. You have "yourself"(the human) standing idle at the top of the screen, while you control the car that runs over everyone in the mob that thinks they can kill "you". There is also a mine to deploy, albeit one at a time, and the effect is rather small. The areas you navigate(There are two. One has "you" at the bottom of the screen, and the other has "you" at the top), are very small, which is fitting for the game. The enemies come in rather large numbers as soon as the game starts and you have to react pretty quickly in order to manage them consistently, while taking care to avoid running over "yourself". If the human you dies, or your car is hit by a grenade or is in the vicinity of an exploding mine(though your car won't trigger a mine explosion), the game is over. Thankfully, the grenades must land and have a brief delay before exploding and being capable of harming you, giving you just enough notice to get out of the way. As far as mini games go, this one does its job nicely. The task is simple enough, there is definitely some skill involved, and it is challenging. Check it out. I suck at it, and have barely cleared 100 =\ .