THE LOVELY PRESSURE SITE IS DEFUNCT SO I'M PROVIDING THE TEXT OF THE ORIGINAL REVIEW ************************************************************************************ Another quick mini-game from Kentauri. A "different" version of the classic pong game we've become used to. The graphics are decent, for what it's worth. With still backgrounds and decent sized sprites as opposed to the classic one color block. The sound is PC-speaker, but it isn't annoying. It is a rather poor game, however. The tournament mode is amazingly short, and the computer doesn't have much ability in intentional setting up hard shots, which are done by hitting the ball while moving at a high speed. One of the differences in this game from others is that you have to accelerate your pod to get it going. So you can't simply decide to move once the ball is about to pass you, or it will. Other additions include the ability to shoot a limited amount of lazers, a life bar, powerups to replenish both and random obstacles.Any of the obstacles also interact with the ball, redirecting it. They also can collide with your pod, and can be shot down to gain powerups, which travel towards whoever was responsible for destroying the obstacle. If someone is killed in one round, then it is as if you are playing hockey without the goalkeeper, so to speak, but after a point is scored, they come back with their life replenished. I should also note that the ball has a tendency to fly behind you when striking the edges of your pod. I don't mean striking the back of it, it will hit the corner, bounce around in that area, and then fly behind you. Rather annoying. The game offers several modes, including the terribly short tournament mode, and freeplay versions of "pongworz" style pong and classic pong, where an additional ball can be added into the mix. There is also a light arcade shooter where you use the lazers to blast through an asteroid shower for as long as you can. All of these modes are particularly shallow. The tournament is short, as I mentioned, and once you get a decent hang of the controls, you'll have no problem completing it, and I certainly don't have the impetus to play through it again since I've finished. Once you are done with this, there isn't much more to the game. The additions don't change the gameplay very much, so it all boils down to how much you enjoy a general game of pong. Ultimately, the extra features don't add much to the entertainment.