About this site

This simple site is nothing but a unique place for all my game reviews or game design related articles I create and which end up being "published" on various places on the net. Currently this site contains articles that are written for QB Express, a QBasic/FreeBASIC e-zine, and the site updates AFTER my articles get published in there. What the future holds, who can tell? :P

The biggest motivator for this site was the fact I made huge progress in the quality of writing while doing the articles for QB Express. Since I am a perfectionist my earliest reviews/articles started to sicken me so I reworked them(mostly grammar related corrections; not big changes). I wanted to have a place where I can update the latest and corrected versions of my articles any time I want. A happy place for my articles. Recommended to people whose games have been reviewed and want to have the best version of that review(if they keep such things at all).

Most of the reviews feature downloads but if the game archive is too big for me to host it I usually provide a link where you can download the reviewed game.

The site design is a shameful rip-off of the QB Express design. I hope I won’t get sued. :P